Systemic Racism In Farm Funding

Systemic Racism In Farm Funding

Prejudice against women and minority farmers has been well documented by a number of governments, organizations, scientists, advocates, and fellow farmers. Foodocracy firmly believes in a fair and just environment for all, and strives to achieve that as best as we can. These statistics highlight a few of the key issues that our local women and BIPOC farmers face. You, the reader, can also help make a positive impact by donating.

  • Black farmers have lost 90% of land with an estimated value of $326 billion USD.
  • Major companies, such as Pepsi, have publicly discriminated against black farm owners.
  • A president of the USDA Coalition of Minority Employees has accused the USDA of having a culture of racism, sexism, and intimidation.
  • Women, even today, are discriminated from corporate and government entities
  • For centuries, Indigenous farmers have been victims of violent attacks such as having their land stolen, land destroyed, forced into assimilation, etc.
  • Current grants and opportunities provided by the federal government often use complex language and involve confusing steps.
  • The United States Department of Agriculture has been sued for systematically discriminatinating against black farmers.
  • Minority farmers have been denied loans for generations.
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) do not receive for their agricultural programs that were promised


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