local farm

The Foodocracy Group is a mission based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting a more independent and sustainable food system by assisting small scale farmers and small batch producers in creating fair and equitable income opportunities. Our mission is anchored in the fundamental belief that food should be good for the environment, our health and local economies.

What We Do

We support independent farmers and artisans creating sustainable, locally sourced food that is better for us and the planet. Through outreach, education and our independent marketplace we seek to level the playing field with the industrialized food system. Visit our store to support small businesses and family owned farms across the US.

Why An Independent Food System

Strengthening independent food systems is the crossroads of environmental, health, and social change. Today, food and agriculture companies are consolidated, and most of the world relies on a few global companies for the growing, processing, distributing and retailing of food.

The economic impact of the global food system on local communities, particularly rural communities, is devastating. Strengthening independent systems helps farmers and local food producers make enough money to not just survive but to grow and scale, hiring more workers and boosting local economies.


Global scale food production relies on massive volumes of cheap to produce ingredients that grow quickly with no consideration for nutrient density or environmental impact. Nearly 75% of the world’s food comes from just 12 plants and 5 animal species. We are currently losing plant species at a weekly rate. A recent study by the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology found that reduced biodiversity affects ecosystems at levels comparable to those of global warming and air pollution.

Small farmers and independent producers lack the resources to compete with global food producers. At The Foodocracy Group we believe that everyone deserves access to more healthy foods and that those foods should be better for our environment and compensate food workers fairly. We are dedicated to promoting a more fair, independent and sustainable food system to improve the quality of life for consumers and food workers while also helping the environment and the local economies where the food is produced.

News + Updates

Farm Fund Grants Awarded

The Foodocracy is proud to announce the winners of the first ever Farm Fund Grants. Thanks to your generous donations,…

Against The Grain

Announcing the first in a series of events bringing chefs and farmers together around the table to help promote an…

An Evening Under The Harvest Moon

Join us October 17th for an evening of food and wine under the harvest moon benefiting Woman and BIPOC owned…

Systemic Racism In Farm Funding

Prejudice against women and minority farmers has been well documented by a number of governments, organizations, scientists, advocates, and fellow…

Foodocracy Hosts At The California Small Farm Conference

Thanks to your support we are able to host “Breathing New Life Into Heirloom Beans,” a panel at the California…

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